Our farrier was out yesterday and suggested a product called Red Cell for one of my geldings. Here I was thinking that a standing rate of 24 was just great for a future endurance horse - he says that's too low for any horse.
Any ideas? Is this horse not a candidate for endurance? He's 5 years old and has never had any major health problems that we know of, we've had him since May of this year. He's been doing a lot of shows and equestrian team with my daughter and I hoped to start him in endurance soon.
Read the ingredients list carefully on Red Cell. It was also recommended to me, I bought it and tried it, my horse HATED it. Then I read it was Yucca flavored and was happy that he hated it. I never read the ingredients list but will be shortly since my new mare that is coming has been fed it for years. I don't know if the Yucca flavoring means that it has Yucca in it, but Yucca is a banned substance.