[RC] Kids, ponies and distance riding - Nancy Reed
have had the pleasure of taking several juniors to both NATRC (CTR) and
endurance rides.I like to start at
the NATRC level so the juniors learn to do all of it.I do help more than I should, but the
local NATRC gang is very supportive and helpful.My juniors are all over 10 years old and
have 2 to 4 years of riding under their belts.At home we start sending them out as a
group without an adult on the home trails with walkie talkies and cell phones.We also like to do a horse camp before a
CTR or an endurance ride.
times I have had to get sponsors for my juniors as I only have a 2 horse
trailer.That has worked out much
better than I thought as my juniors really had to be good!All in all my juniors have only had
wonderful experiences on rides and they are better equestrians and people for
it.I think you need to know what
your child will be able to handle and plan accordingly.This is no different than bringing along
a new horse, the principals are the same.Good luck and have fun!Happy
Holidays to you and your juniors,
J Ranch
Our neighbor Corrine has a naughty pony that will roll if given the
chance.She did it in October in
front of the judges at a water stop.It was so funny, that pony can roll in about 2 square feet!