[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] 2005 Pan American Endurance Championship Date Change - StephTeeter
2005 Pan American Endurance Championship
The organizers of the Pan
American Endurance Championship have applied to the FEI to change the date of
this event from April 2-4, 2005 to April 14-16, 2005. The date change
application was submitted in order to avoid a conflict with the date of the FEI
General Assembly in Great Britain, which would require the attendance of many
senior officials from the American continent. The FEI has granted this date
U.S. endurance riders wishing to apply for this championship may
contact Mary Lutz in the Gladstone office, (908) 234-0848, ext. 15, or visit
www.usef.org, Endurance High Performance, for details.