Depends where you live. Sounds a little high to me. I'm above
Sacramento about 40 minutes. I was paying $75.00, just had a Ferrier move
up into this neck of the woods from the Bay Area and he's getting $85.00.
If my horse throws a shoe, he's out to fix or replace at no charge. Does
your horse need or require shoeing every 6 weeks? Depends on the horse,
I've heard of people shoeing every 4 weeks. Problem was the hoof didn't
grow enough and the Ferrier had problems with getting good hoof to nail
into. My horse usually goes 7 or eight. Two weeks ago I had them
pulled and just trimmed. Giving him a rest from the shoes during the
muddy, wet winter; probably get shoes back on about Feb or March. In the
winter his feet slow down the growth so his next trim is 8 weeks from
the last. If he needs it sooner or later, I'll just call
him. G.Affleck
Can somebody explain to me the cost's involved in
shoeing? The 4 shoes certainly and taking them off and on?
Cost of ferriers time, trimming...everything. Currently I get
charged 95$ every 6 weeks and the shoes are removed, trimmed and I guess
put back that a good price?