Hello fellow NATRC'ers & horsefolks! Here it is, the end of January and winter is finally a good half over. The days are lengthening and it is ONLY 12 weeks til R6's first ride. Are you honing your camping pack lists? How many times have you cleaned and oiled your saddles?
RUSTERS AND RENEGADES are loose at BIG HILL, KANSAS and we need posse's to help round them up. Yep, we are going to have some VERY SERIOUS FUN on this ride, so mark your calendars! April 17 & 18, 2004
This ride is the Region 6 Benefit ride so we are rounding up some fabulous prizes. The list of our awards donors grows regularly so I'll add to the list and post periodically.
We are also having a VERY SPECIAL EVENT. We have been given 1 possibly 2 Grazier Pens to raffle off at the ride. www.grazierfence.com There will be one at the ride for you to see. ANYONE can buy tickets!! So please tell your friends, we want to make this the best benefit ride ever.
Someone at the ride WILL take a Grazier Pen home with them!!!! Go to the Region 6 web page and read the details on the raffle and print off your entry. http://www.geocities.com/natrcregion6/index.htm