Re: [RC] Gorgeous George - Pat Parelli - DaNel Resha
Pat Parelli was there, but I think I want to see what he can do with the average Joe horse and exactly what these "games" are before I jump on that bandwagon. He didn't show that, he just showed us what his horses could do (which was rather impressive).
I have been studing the Pat Parelli Methods for years. I actually was at a clinic this past weekend with a local instructor.
You really need to see him take a "normal" horse and teach it the 7 games. Do this by going to one of his LLL Tours (you can get the dates at ) or by finding a local instructor and auditing a clinic.
The things the 7 games teaches a horse is that you are the Alfa Horse of the pack. They respect you, are willing to do the things that you ask of them, and it teaches you to have fun with your horse. Horses become lighter and you can do amazing things with them.
There is also a FREE DVD at the website that will show you more about the program.
In the clinic I went to this weekend The start of the first day horses were being disrespectful to their owners, pawing, not standing still, and various other behavior problems. By the end of the first day horses were standing patiently next to their owners and waiting to be asked to do something.
I love going to clinic's and watching horses become willing partners to their owners.