Ah, so did I, but then hubby insisted on satellite - OMG, now I have 4 of
those puppies on my house ...one for the actual TV, one we used to use
for internet until DSL became available last year, one from when we switched
from Dish Network to DirecTV (why can't they use the same one, or put the new
one where the old one was???) and another one so he can watch the horse racing
channel!! Just put me on my mare and let me ride please!
> "You don't need cable TV." > > Try telling the
rest of my family that! I was perfectly content without > cable
for the entire month it took the cable company to lay cable out > this
way. But .... since my husband puts up with my horse habit, I
have > to compromise as well ... so cable it is.
I solved
that--moved to a place where there is no access to cable...