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RE: [RC] Fw: [RC] DAL Election / Weight Divisions!! - Nancy Mitts

From: "Barbara McCrary" <bigcreekranch@xxxxxxxxxx>
I think I'd forgive Mike any lack of weight for riding in the HVYWT division
in exchange for the amount of work he's done on the website and computerized
records, etc. :-))

WOW, this is one of the more disturbing statements (actually involving endurance) I've read here lately.
Speaking generally, exactly how much work does one have to do in order to ignore the rules? So many hours per pound, or what? Can one buy extra miles with work, too, or is it just a weight allowance? I can't believe I'm hearing directors, former directors and long time members saying that donating time and work to AERC earns a free pass with the rulebook.
THAT SAID, Mike's weight has been an issue for years. Long ago (10 years or so) I saw him being weighed post ride. He drank water, refilled bottles, and soaked his saddle pad and even gloves in water before weighing. As far as I know he has always managed to get within the 4 percent allowance. To my knowledge no formal protest was ever filed. (Yes, Monte is a HW competitor, and was in the standings at that time.)
When I first started in endurance, riders had to weigh in on the ride scales before the ride began. It seemed like such a hassle and most for the most part was totally unnecessary. Perhaps we need to start going back to that. There is two-fold responsibility here. A rider that knows they are close to the line can/should ask to weigh pre-ride and carry what they need to to make the weight by that scale at the start of the ride. Riders who suspect someone is not making weight should challenge them PRERIDE while there is opportunity to correct the issue to everyone's satisfaction. Waiting until the end of the ride season to raise this issue (again) is probably not the fair way to complain.
I appreciate the work Mike has done for the organization too, but that shouldn't excuse him from paying attention to his weight.
Nancy Mitts
Monte Mitts

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