Re: [RC] [RC] UAE,WEC,My Last Post On It (Promise...) - heidi
Howard Bramhall <howard9732@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Look, we're not trying to isolate ourselves here. We are trying, or at least I am, to isolate them. Isolate the slave traders. Shun them. Tell them they are no longer allowed to participate in our game. BAr them from endurance, thoroughbred racing and any other activity they participate in Internationally. Make the criminals the victims for once. Do not allow them to play at all.
Would this be kind of like how we say to shun riders who override or abuse their horses? Sounds like it to me!
I haven't really posted anything on this publicly, just a couple of private posts to Howard, however, I have just one or two things to add. There were some comparisons to child abuse here in our own country and I would add this small point: If your neighbor had been incarcerated for child abuse of any kind (make it numerous times, since we know the camel racing is an ongoing practice) would you accept an invitation to his home for a party or would you attend an endurance ride he/she was putting on? Just curious....