[RC] UAE,WEC,My Last Post On It (Promise...) - DVeritas
Dear Steph, and others,
I would never propose to tell "individuals" what to do regarding their individual lives, goals, aspirations, dreams, etc. I certainly wouldn't try to "shame" them regarding anything.
I know about "investing" in things.
Investing time, money, emotion, etc. is (at best) a difficult thing for each of us to do.
Many of us on this list have invested in this country in different ways.
On the National Team I know of several individuals who have offered years of their lives in service to this country, some, the hardship (but unique investment) of military service in times of war, in times of peace, some, years of their lives in service to our endurance organization, some, years of hard work and untold personal hardship just to participate in our sport.
What it takes for many of us to pursue the sport of endurance is one of the things which make (should make it) something special. An opportunity to appreciate the fruit of our labors (albeit a "labor of love"), is each of our's reward.
One of my concerns was where we, as the AERC organization stood on the issues regarding the allegations of child slavery in the UAE, and whether we shouldn't look more closely at it and, if warranted, take a stance.
If "individuals" participate in the UAE at the WEC, clearly and totally up to them.
As an organization, I maintain that each member of that organization is entitled to have a say regarding the UAE and its "influence" on the AERC.
I've had my say.
I won't "inflict" it upon you again.
And, for the edification of those who continue to discuss my backyard and getting involved in our own country....many of have been for years and continue to do so.
I will.
And, Heidi, thank you for comparing the UAE to Nazi Germany....speaks volumes.