The ones I always wear are not I's or II's, they are not the
kiltie style (although the catalogue states the Kiltie style is 18% lighter than
the classic roper horseshoe), and they're not too hot or heavy. They are cheap!
$45, and I always keep a new pair waiting in the closet 'cause I'm afraid
they'll quit making them. I have a thin foot, so I use the extra padding liner
to make them fit snugly. In the winter I take the liner out and wear thick cushy
wool-blend socks & my tootsies stay nice &
> I love my Roper
brand athletic style HorseShoes.
I use these, too. I've had them
for many years, they look a little different than the current models.
The only thing I'm not crazy about is how heavy and hot they are. I
don't know if the current ones are lighter?