I had lower back pain constantly for over a year after having
moved about a ton of rocks which had lined my driveway. When I finally went to
the chiropractor, the pain ceased in less than 2 weeks. I felt really dumb
for having suffered so long. I was lectured by the doc for having waited so long
to get it fixed. So, don't wait! The quicker you get treatment, the less time it
takes to get things working properly again.
Then I had a 1 1/2 years of pain from sciatic
nerve being squeezed (I really don't like going to to doc), so I snitched
my hubby's left over muscle relaxer (Flexiril), just took it at night for a
week, and the pain has been gone for over a year. It's trying to come back now,
due to my bouncy new horse, Charly, but I was surprised to find that taking
the Flexiril for only one night has taken care of the problem, at least for the
past three days, and maybe only until I go for another long ride on
Charly. I did try the chiropractor for the sciatic pain, but he was not
able to help it.
Grass Valley, CA
Okay Ridecampers, We're a group of tough riders that have years or
riding under our collective belts and the injuries that go along with
it. So, I thought this is a great place to ask advice. After a
recent (about 5 weeks ago) parting of the ways with my mare, I have lower
back pain. It was the kind of spill that was very jarring and I hurt
all over for the next few days (kind of like a car accident).
Aside from fracturing my thumb, nothing major was hurting, but gradually my
lower back has been aching. I wake up in the morning and have that
UUGGHH kind of pain. I can take 4 Advils and it doesn't do much.
I can still function pretty much but don't enjoy constant pain. I've
got a ride coming up and want to be able to do it. Does anyone have
any remedies for lower back pain? I'm on my feet most of the day, and
that's probably better than sitting but I'm hoping for some relief
soon. I'm open to anything, OTC, homeopathic,