kat Orange County, Calif. Said: >Since horses do not
have any muscles below their knees, it is unclear to >me how splint boots
could be protecting the muscles of the legs at all. >Does Equipedic leg
protection come up over the knees?
My Kat, aren't we testy.
1.. While I was responding to an inquiry about Splint Boots, the
statement that I made below refers to all Equipedic Leg Protection.
2. The Equipedic OxyFlow Therapeutic Leg Bands are used on
3. In many books [right or wrong] the Deep Digital Flexor Tendon is
also referred to as a muscle
But why are we splitting hairs? The inquiry was about Splint Boots,
I replied to tell about the good leg products Equipedic has to
Candace Kahn said:
> Equipedic offers
the only line of equine leg protection > that breathes, lowers the surface
temperature of the horse's > legs, increases blood oxygen levels while
protecting the > tendons and muscles of the legs.
Candace Kahn Naturally Bare Hoof Care New and improved Boa Boots are
here!! authorized dealer of Boa Hoof Boots, Barefoot Treeless Saddles,
Equipedic Products, Best Friends Grazing Muzzle Painted Sky Ranch PO
Box 639 Jacksonville, OR 97530