[RC] AERC Politics- shameless campaigning! - Laura Hayes
Lisa Salas wrote on Ridecamp: >>I hope everybody gets as worked up about our own voting in AERC. I would
like to see the candidates continue their campaigns so we don't forget who we
want to vote for!<<
Thank you, Lisa for reminding all of us.
While riding the beautiful Grand Canyon XP last week on a
wonderful Icelandic pony (which in itself gives you LOTS of time to
think!!) I was thinking of WHY I am running for AERC director at large,
and why I felt anyone should vote for me. Here is some of what I came up
Each member of the board of directors, whether a regional
director or an 'at large' director, is a representative of the membership
of AERC. I TRULY believe that it is important to have a thoughtful
and thorough discussion of issues in which all interested members have a
chance to speak, and that voting on issues by the BOD, should be based on the
majority of sentiment expressed by the members.
I believe that those people chosen to represent the
membership need to be honest, hardworking, and sincere in their service.
IMO, one of the most important factors to this service is the ability to see
AERC as a whole entity and NOT just one small portion of what makes this a great
organization. From LD to juniors to international, 50s, 100s and
multidays- fast or slow, they all belong to AERC and should be given the same
I believe it is important to keep in mind the intention of
the folks who started AERC so many years ago
In being asked to 'state my beliefs' - in addition
to the above, I firmly believe that the welfare of the horse and the safety of
the rider, and integrity in our sport should be foremost in our
I can truly say that I will listen to and weigh every
member's thoughts on the issues.
I have a deep and abiding love for the sport of endurance
and only wish to see it thrive and grow.