[RC] Need Ideas For Relocating to New Horse Areas - MtnRondi
Wow... this is the first time this Californian has heard of an Oregonian
wanting to relocate, haha. I know a couple who left California several years ago
and settled in some place in Oregon called St. Helens, or something like that.
They love it and say they have the most perfect weather, riding trails, and the
price was right. I know real estate has really sky rocketed the last few years,
so maybe it is not as cheap as it was then.
If you are out travelling and come to So. California be sure to check out
where we live. We live in the San Bernardino Mtns. in Big Bear, CA. It is a ski
resort in the winter and a summer resort with lake, mtn. biking, hiking, etc. We
live just 3 miles from the Pacific Crest Trail. I can go out my back gate and
ride all day, in any direction, or just take a quick 1 hr. ride. Our winters are
mild, our summers are beautiful. Very few bugs. We have a solar observatory on
the lake because we have so many days of sunshine... can't remember the exact
number, but I would say that out of a year, we maybe have a total of 1 month
where it is not so sunny.