Re: [RC] [RC] The Numbers Are Running Against Us - Truman Prevatt
There is that. I've been a lot of places where a lot worse could have
happened to me so that thought doesn't really cross my mind. I guess I
just don't think about it. I used to always like to ski alone in the CO
When I am alone, skiing, riding, whatever it is - I'm a lot more
focused and I suspect a lot quicker with the reflexes because of that.
Knock on wood, I've only come off twice when I have been riding alone (
and that goes back to about 10 years old with a 15 year gap when I
didn't ride any). Once had to do with a big rattlesnake in the trail
and the other an inflated tire inner tube in the trail. When I have
ridden with other people, I don't want to count the number of times I
have come off.
When I get old, I might change my mind ;-)! On the other hand riding
alone is a great source of solitude where you are with your thoughts. I
sure don't want to give that up. There is something special in
galloping along, just you and your horse, the wind in your face - a
team focused on getting somewhere.
In a message dated 10/2/2004 7:22:12 PM Central Daylight Time,
tprevatt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
So I don't do it any more. In fact I usually ride alone even
when I'm on an Arab - it's just easier
I am too scared to ride alone. And if I had been alone
last Sunday I would have been in big trouble. How would the helicopter
have known where to find me........I would still be laying on my back
out on the trail.................mb
-- "It is necessary to be noble, and yet take humility as a basis
is necessary to be noble, and yet
take humility as a basis.
It is necessary
to be exalted, and yet take modesty as a foundation."