My opinion? Before AERC there weren't
nearly as many riders, no awards structure, no conventions, very little other
than a few rides. My question to you is: Could it work WITHOUT
rules???? My answer to this is NO. Because when you have the numbers
of riders/members we now have the system could not work without some firm
rules. When I was on the board, we never made a rule that wasn't
needed. Unfortunately, a few of the rules were made to counteract the
behavior of a VERY few riders who were taking advantage of the fact that there
"wasn't a rule that said we couldn't do this." There are a few issues I
still have a problem with, but by and large, I think it's working just
Does anyone think that AERC has too many rules?? As an endurance
rider before the AERC and picking it up again, things are very
different. Is it working?