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[RC] Please Help Present Trail Closures!! - TypeF \(Jackie Floyd\)

Dear SHA Members and Friends:

Unfortunately we hear of actual or potential trail closures all too often, and to help slow that down we all need to get involved and speak up so that our voices can be heard. At the moment there are two such opportunities to write letters. They may not necessarily be in your area, but we want to support each other as the next closure may in fact be the trail that YOU regularly ride on!

The first area of immediate concern is Oroville, which is located one and a half hours northwest of Sacramento, Butte County's Lake Oroville is a first rate horse camping area and extensive network of trails. The Lake Oroville State Recreation Area is the responsibility of the Department of Water Resources (DWR), whose 50 year license expires in 2007.

The DWR is currently negotiating the term of the next license and has requested input from stakeholders in creating a recreation plan as part of the process. Feedback of concerned equestrians whether they participate in trail riding and horse camping or not is essential for ensuring the preservation maintenance and expansion of horse friendly recreation in this area. DWR has not gotten much input from riders so far, and YOUR letter can make the difference.

For more info, e-mail Annette Kolkey at riderallert@xxxxxxxxxxx or visit  www.californiastatehorsemen.com

Your letters in support of ongoing recreational opportunities that include horse trails may be sent to:

Action Coalition of Equestrians (ACE)
Janet Peterson, President
P.O Box 1320Meadow Vista, CA 95722

Or you may send your comments by e-mail go to:
www.ACEquestrains.org , click on "contacts", then click on "Janet Peterson"

The second area of concern is the huge area from San Francisco North past Pt. Arena, over to Sacramento and into Mendocino County that is currently managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). The are seeking public input on land use and activities on BLM holdings in Northwestern California, and will be accepting comments from anyone interested in preserving recreational activities and horse trails throughout this Fall. 

It is essential that equestrian groups thank BLM for horseback riding access and trails and request continued trail maintenance and development.  BLM will use public comments in developing a draft Resource Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement, expected to be available for public review and comment in 2005.

You can provide comments directly to BLM?s website at ?www.ca.blm.gov/ukiah/rmp? or by email to ?ukiahrmp@xxxxxxxxxx? by fax to (707) 468-4027 or by mail to:

BLM Ukiah Field Office
2550 N. State St.
Ukiah, CA, 95482

Please pass this on to all horse people or anyone that you think might be willing to send letters on this issue.  We (Sacramento Horsemen Assoc.) have posted sample letters on our website that you may edit, embellish and personalize at will. All letters are appreciated, from individuals and groups, and collectively this effort can make the difference between keeping the trails open, or lose access forever!

All the above information can be found on our web site: www.sachorsemen.com

Happy Trails,

Dagmar and Hans