Re: [RC] removing manure from paddocks serious business! - Truman
Why do people move next to an airport and then complain about the
noise? These are probably from the same gene pool as the people that
move to the "country" and complain that there are animals in the
country. Frustrating as it is - it seems to be a fact of life.
It is a world gone mad. Why do people move INTO a horse
community if the smell offends the? We have a handful here in our
community and it just makes me so mad - they move here and as one dork
did - he actually COMPLAINED to the city because the neighbor's horses
were blowing in the morning - you know - bbbbb! Bbbbb!You know, when
they get a little hay in their nostrils. Wouldn't ya think he would be
humiliated to make such a complaint?? Seems like we now need CC &
Rs to keep out people who have their delicate little noses in the wrong
location. All I know is that given the annoying people who have moved
in here with their speeding teenagers, noisy scooters, dirt bikes,
drummers and the like - I wonder what ever happened to common sense and
courtesy. City folk!