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Re: [RC] Ultium feed - Truman

There are two very similar feeds out there, Ultiuma and Farr(Nutrena) XTN. They are about the same formulation of fat, fiber, etc. The big difference is Ultuma is pelleted and XTN is more of a sweet feed. I started using XTN on my hard keeper and cut back the amount of feed required. I don't know about Ultuma but XTN is currently only available in the SE.

After two hurricanes flew over the top of me, my poor horse has not gotten the work he needs so it looks like we will just take it easy at the Yellowhammer - probably drop back to just one day. Boy this season has really sucked.


Mary Maynard wrote:

I started using Ultium when a rep for Purina asked if I wanted to be in a informal test of the product. My mare Sophie has always been a hard keeper and stays thin. Of course I ride her regularly and compete on her monthly in either 50, 75 or 100 milers. She gets 16 lbs a day. 8 in the AM and 8 in the PM plus about 10 pounds of crimped oats daily and of course electrolytes and free choice hay and pasture 24/7. She has kept her weight on and in fact gained about 5 LBS .She now weighs 955 LBS and is 16 hands. Her energy levals are great and she is not any hotter then normal for her. I love the stuff and here in the pan handle of Flordia I am paying $ 13.00 a bag. Since I am part of a "study" I get one bag free for every bag I buy. Can't beat it.

Many people gasp when I tell them how much I feed. But if you feed for your work load - it is OK. And I do work my horses.
Mary Anne Maynard

OF course since Ivan flew by all I have had time for is chain sawing trees and making big piles of downed limbs, and fixing downed fence lines.

looking foreward to the yellow hammer ride :-)


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[RC] Ultium feed, Mary Maynard