OMG, I have a dog - Cocker Spaniel - that EVERY time I take her to 'play'
in the river down the road from home, poops in the water...I have no idea why,
but she does it every single time. Totally grossed me out to see her do it
so we refrain from taking her to the river anymore...she can be a yard dog and
be perfectly happy
but my vet thought my mare might > have gotten sick from
drinking out of puddles. Interestingly, she > loves to drink out
of puddles, and sucked quite a few dry. His > thought was that
the rain washes animal feces down into the puddles, > then when the
horses drink they get sick.
Sounds farfetched to me. I was told
that if you ever get desperate enough to drink in the woods puddles were
safer because you can *see* what's in them whereas a stream may have a dead
bloated coyote in it just upstream. YUK! I also was told that puddles
on a gravel road possibly had some calcium washed in them from gravel?? so
horses may crave puddle water more? I think my horses prefer puddle water
because it's warm. Kaboot was always a puddle drinker and only drank from
streams if necessary. Also, I can't remember him ever taking a dump in a
puddle, but
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