[RC] W Washington and snakes while riding - Mary Ann Spencer
The year I left Olympia and never returned was
1978. The only came out twice in the month of April and the weather never
improved. I have found the sun does shine in other places. Have been
in TX for over 20 yrs as just cant take all those cloudy skies. When we
have not sun for a few days, I am reminded why I left and never went
back. I do miss the mountains tho. But when we have winter in
shorts and tank tops and keep riding, then I remember why I have stayed
here. Every place I have ever lived has miserable weather in Aug and
Jan. Just have to pick what one can deal with. Great
to have the choices.
On the snake issue: I have been riding when
the horses trotted over 'a moving long stick'. Snakes feel vibrations and
will move accordingly. In all the yrs I have worked ER here in TX, there
have been VERY few snake bits. I have tried to run over snakes with a
truck and lawn mover but they dodged very well. Animal activity also
keeps them away. On a conditioning ride out in the Davy Crocket National
Forest we passed a coiled snack. We just keep going and gave it a wide
birth. During our drought, one was baled in a bale of hay we loaded from
the field. Hay was scarce then and we just left it as did not want to get
snake blood on the hay. The snake was gone when we got back with the next
load of hay.
Actually have more problems with the non poisonous
snakes eating chilcken eggs and chickens. But then we also have lots of
raccoons and possums that like to eat our horse feed if it is not put into