Seems like this is simply reality for so many of us - especially when
one chooses to actually have other interests and also be involved in the doings
of other members of a family, it is a choice. Because we are supportive of one
another, and have varied and other activities between oru family members, and
also have to make a living :), there is just not enough time for us to condition
a horse to 100s. Besides, there is a real life out there that doesn't even know
AERC exists :), and we enjoy a lot of thosethings as well. Jus not enough time I
think for families to compete at that level and also try to keep the children
well-rounded. Shoot, I need to be well rounded too! S
Interesting to watch the discussion on gettting more people
to do the 100's. DANG, it takes onehellofan effort to do a fifty and if
there are lots who don't have the time to condition for a 50 so ride the 25,