Almost a year ago Lyric my 14.1 hand Arab mare jumped on my
foot while crossing a creek. (OK, I was really stupid not staying on her back.I’ll never do that again.)She broke my foot in 2 places and really
damaged the muscles and soft tissue on the top of my foot.My f#&*!^ health care providers did not feel I needed
to go to the ER so I was not casted in a timely manner.I still have some residual swelling and
will never be able to wear fashionable female footwear again.The best thing I did was to have an acupuncturist
and body worker work on my foot.Michelle, acupuncture, is in Escondido and Ginny
is in Leucadia. The acupuncture helps with the swelling and speeds the healing.
Ginny put my foot back into alignment later after the fractures healed when my
foot was unstable. I did not have
pain with the treatments. I can now ride without wide endurance stirrups and no
longer have pain. Let me know if
you want contact info.I hope to
meet you on the trail some day!