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[RC] barefoot horse - rides2far

ONe of the primary reasons owners do allow their horses 
to go > barefoot since the metal shoes prevent expansion of the hoof
There is a way to get the best of both worlds.  Run them barefoot 
while > training and put on the shoes right before a ride.  

To me that violates the old rule, "never change anything at a
competition". Why would you train light, then ad weight to the end of
that leg for the really long fast ride?

My personal opinion is that all this "helps the foot to be barefoot part
of the year" sounds great in theory, but I have never seen any benefit to
it firsthand. I have never left my horse barefoot, even during the crappy
winter months weather, and had make any change other than wearing it down
shorter.  Kaboot's 14 now and has worn shoes continuously since he was 10
with only a very short break here and there...maybe 6 weeks twice? He's 
never had a crack...ever. Never had contracted heels, or any of the other
woes. I think the only time it  improves the hoof to pull their shoes is
when you're farrier is doing a bad job. Jaye shoes Kaboot with the Luwex
pads that are just dropped in between the shoe & hoof. You can look at
the pad when you take it off and see how much movement has been on it
from the hoof expanding and contracting when it hits the ground. With
just 3 nails, they have freedom to expand and contract. 

P.S. My ponies 10 & 11 who have never had shoes do get cracks if I am not
dilligent about their hoof care. Seems to have more to do with who gets
in the pond than who has on shoes. They've also gotten whiteline disease
and the shod horses never got it.


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