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[RC] Eastern equine encephalitis, equines - USA (LA) - Mary Ann Spencer

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 13, 2004 4:39 PM
Subject: PRO/AH/EDR> Eastern equine encephalitis, equines - USA (LA)

A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases

Date: 9 Sep 2004
From: ProMED-mail <promed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Source: Associated Press Newswires [edited]

Eastern equine encephalitis may have killed 7 horses
7 horses have died of encephalitis, and 2 have been confirmed as
having Eastern equine encephalitis, state Agriculture Commissioner
Bob Odom said. He said that one was from Calcasieu Parish and the
others "from the swampy areas in the northern part of DeSoto Parish
near Stonewall."

"We are asking all horse owners to make sure their animals have
up-to-date vaccinations and to consult a veterinarian if their horses
are displaying any signs," Odom said.

Eastern equine encephalitis, or EEE, is a more dangerous virus than
West Nile. Horses that get it almost always die, or have brain
damage, and it kills 30 percent of human encephalitis patients,
compared to about 7 percent for West Nile.

Mosquitoes carry both viruses from birds to horses and people, so
precautions are the same for both: vaccination of horses, and
anti-mosquito measures for people, such as wearing long-sleeved
shirts and long pants.

Odom said that he has been working with state Senator Sherri Smith
Cheek to find resources to control the mosquito that carries EEE. The
department's boll weevil eradication equipment has been fitted with
special nozzles to apply pesticide to likely mosquito habitats, he

State Veterinarian Maxwell Lea said horses that have not been
vaccinated should have 2 doses, 3 to 4 weeks apart. After that, a
booster shot each year is enough. Lea said that his office is
awaiting test results on the other horses.

Infected horses usually have a fever 6 to 7 degrees above the normal
100 to 102 Fahrenheit. They look sleepy, walk in circles, and appear
depressed and uncoordinated. Eventually they collapse.


[Late summer and early autumn, depending upon the geographical
location, is usually when we start to see outbreaks of EEE. The
vaccination for this virus should be in combination with vaccination
for West Nile virus, so owners can protect their horses with a
vaccination against both diseases, as well Venezuelan Equine
Encephalitis and Western Equine Encephalitis. - Mod.TG]

[see also:
Eastern equine encephalitis, human, equine - USA (MA)(02)  20040911.2530
Eastern equine encephalitis, human, equine - USA (MA)  20040906.2494
Eastern equine encephalitis, human - USA (MA)  20040820.2316
Eastern equine encephalitis - USA (Eastern): horses, chickens  20040806.2151
Eastern equine encephalitis, equine - USA (VA)  20040801.2097
Eastern equine encephalitis, equine - USA (AL)  20040704.1794
Eastern equine encephalitis, human - USA (Louisiana): correction  20000515.0759
Eastern equine encephalitis - USA (Louisiana)  20000510.0714
Eastern equine encephalitis - USA (Texas): alert  20000420.0575
Eastern equine encephalitis, emus - USA (Louisiana)  19990621.1054
Eastern equine encephalitis, horse - USA (Louisiana)  19990521.0834
Eastern equine encephalitis - USA (Louisiana)  19990519.0823]

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