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[RC] First Ride Experience, Conclusion (long) - Willowmere Farm Arabians

(continued from part 1)
At the first vet check, the Moss' explained what would happen in what order (even though I had read it, studied it, etc, my brain left when it came time to actually being there), gave tips on helping to pulse down, and offered other advice and let me tag along. When we got to the vet with our rider card, I was able to introduce my husband to everyone, and then who should pop up but Bruce Burton to make sure he could scribe for me! (Thanks, Bruce!) It was so awesome to see another friendly face, and to realize that EVERY person that we met over the weekend was helpful, friendly, caring, and just darn good people! I didn't see anybody trying to get the better of someone else, people went out of their way to be helpful to one another, and to do whatever needed to be done. It was such a nice change from a lot of the crowd that we get to see in our usual jumper shows - it was almost too good to be true.
Musik did awesome at her vet check, but didn't drink as much water as I would like. She ate quite a bit of her sloppy beet pulp, drank some of the water in that, and drank a tiny bit before we left the vet area. That was the only thing that bothered me the whole ride, was the fact that she hardly drank anything the whole first half of the ride. (The second half she was fine on drinking, ate lots of green grass, etc.) Her attitude the entire time was terrific, she felt good, acted good, and her metabolics were almost awesome. (She scored all A's on every check, but had a few A-'s) The vets were wonderful, friendly, helpful, and caring about the horses, and were easy to talk to. My horse had a blast even though I think she lost patience with me before we left camp, and I had a great time too. Met some wonderful people, great horses, pretty scenery, and had a good ride with my best equine friend. We even saw a few frogs in one of the watering places, and at one point in the trail, a few baby snakes crossed the road trying to get out of our way! :-)
So, what did I get out of our endurance ride? That it is a total blast and I can't wait to do my next one! I would love to do a 50, not sure if I care either way about doing a 100, but I do know that I want to go again! I was thrilled that she did so well at all of the vet checks, and we were able to complete; I achieved all of my goals for this ride!
I also am really really happy with the tack that I did buy, but would like to investigate other saddle possibilities. I rode in a Stubben, which is the saddle that I normally jump in. It wasn't too bad - it was a familiar and comfortable saddle, but Marlene was right - by the end of the ride my knees were talking to me!  I think I definately want to stay with an english style saddle - most of the Western type ones that I've tried, I'm not comfortable with. Part of it is my height (5'3" barely), and part of it is I'm just more comfy in an english saddle. I'm also glad that I didn't buy any packs without first investigating those more. I don't think I want a pommel pack as I had something hanging off the front of my saddle (rain pants in a bag!) and it kept getting in the way of the end of the reins and was slightly annoying. Granted maybe in a pack that is designed to go in front, it might not do that, but it was bothering me enough to at least make me think about it. Stirrups... yup, gonna have to look at getting new stirrups, and probably one with a cage so that I can ride in sneakers. My paddocks weren't bad really, but for something that is that long of a ride, I don't know that I want to continue in that direction.
I learned a lot, had a great time, and think that I am hooked now. :) I won't give up my jumping but I think that the endurance riding and training will complement the jumper training and eventing quite nicely.
Thank you all so much for your help, your kind words, sharing your experiences, and great attitudes! You truly are all great ambassadors for the sport. Dave and I were so wonderfully surprised to find that the people we met were all that way too. Too bad not every equine sport has participants like that. Kudos to the endurance riders! (Hey, now I can say that I am one, can't I?!)
Shawnee Urano, new Endurance rider & Mmuszoka ("Smooth Criminal" aka "Musik")
Shawnee & David Urano
Willowmere Farm Arabians - Arabian Sport Horses
(970) 330-3982 home
(970) 381-3365 cell