Lunging puts strain on the horse because of the
circles. So I wouldn't lunge. Training miles should be done in the
saddle, sometimes one can pony another horse if two horses need the miles.
Because the horse is at a boarding stable, see if the horse can be turned
outside as much as possible. 5, 7, 10 , 15 and more miles should be done
at a time. Walk and trot until the recoveries are pulse in the low 40s
(respiration should be in the 20s or below), then speed up the work. Walk
trot canter, do the set miles faster. When those recoveries are
acceptable, then longer miles at a faster pace. The recoveries tell when
one can increase and/or speed up the work. I like to do 2 days, then off a
day, 3 days then off 2 days or something similar. Always assess the horse,
how it is doing, is it too much, have I done enough, but pay attention to what
the horse is telling you. Everyone does his/her training a little
different BUT the basics are the same. Jeanie who made 5000 (5023 to be
exact) miles on Maggie last Sat!! YESSSSSSSS