Re: [RC] Reply to Kim Fuess Tevis Letter - SandyDSA
In a message dated 8/4/2004 3:53:46 PM Pacific Standard Time, guest-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
The Endurance Village of the U.A.E. deserve to have their name and logo plastered all over the place
I found this comment interesting, since most of the peole who I have heard from find this at the very least bothersome to have anyone "plastered all over the place". Is nothing safe from verbose ads anymore?
As for Kim - or anyone else speaking out, anyone has the right to express an opinion, as does anyone who disagrees with her. What I didn't see was Kim jumping all over anyone else who had a differing opinion. While she has over the years demonstrated a level head and sense of reason that needs no defense, I personally tend to believe that I would stand with her on that kind of issue. After all, having a ton of money doesn't speak of class, kindness or generosity; rather, it becomes much more meaningful to receive the smallest gift and support from those least able to share. Make no mistake, this is quality promotion - but for whom (is is WHO??). No one DESERVES to have their name or whatever plastered all over ANYWHERE where others have paid THEIR money to be there and participate. Let's give them.....clever and perhaps very bright and....even supportive - but that's about it.
I just HATE beiing constantly overwhelmed with advertising, don't you? :) CHEERS!