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RE: [RC] [RC] [RC] Tevis Ceremony & Tribute - Erin Clutter

sorry i re-read my reply i just wrote, it came off A LOT differently in the ending then i wanted it to be.  Basically at the end i was saying even though there is many sides of the story that it coudl be for friendship or "peace" or what not, it was unfair to everyone who did the ride.  I guess that the ride committe just over did it this year(wanting it to be a special 50) but instead they just went a little overboard trying to make it big by bring in a sponsor who will give them lots of money.  i guess they thought it would just make us and them happy.  but it definately didn't



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I do agree, for even though i was just a junior(unfortunately pulled at last chance!!!*always next yr*), i did agree w/ yall wen u brought up the fact that tevis was sold cheap this year.  it was very unfair.  i did give a funny look to my dad(who finished the race) when the presented the buckle to sponsor.  i do believe that the buckle WAS infact different from the ones given to the riders, yet i do beleive it was unfair.  All they did was sponsor the ride, and they get a buckle? heck, if they get a buckle for that then me, doing 50 miles and waiting 4 hours to get out of last chance deserves a buckle.  but of course i also heard other stories. I heard some people saying that they might of done this for apart of the 9/11 war issure(which i didn't think so really). but maybe the commitee took it a lot lighter in giving them a buckle then the riders who spent MONTHS of training.  So i guess it definately can go different ways.  But we should really thank them all for the great things they g ot us. i don't think they tried to make us upset in anyway.  Plus, it wasn't them who took/bought the buckle.  tevis commitee GAVE the buckle to them.  But i know im not exactly old enough(only 15) to understand the whole idea of it.  But can someone explain to me (b/c i dont know really...) why it was against tevis rules to send the winner of tevis to UAE? i wasn;t sure.  is it against tevis rules to give out awards like that? sorry i don't know the tevis rules EXACTLY...if someone could tell me that would be great( a personal e-mail is fine:)!!!)



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