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[RC] porta potty chemical - Sharlene Roberts-Caudle

I've used porta potties for several years, and I've
used R.V. holding tanks for many years.  The most
disagreeable part is that sick sweet odor of the
effluent with the chemical.  A few years ago I found a
biological chemical that the local R.V.
dealer/parts/etc. had available.  It is wonderful!! 
After the initial use to clean out the old residue
there is no odor at all.  I've had my 10 gallon
holding tank in a camper partially full for a month,
taken it on the road and had no odor at all from it. 
The nicest part--when it's time to dump and clean,
there is still no odor to speak of.  I can't remember
the name, lasts forever, but if you want it I'll look
it up when I get home.

One thing to know, the little plastic pumper thingy
eventually cracks at the bottom and cannot be
replaced.  There are electric models that flush using
a battery and these may be cheaper in the long long run.

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