In Hartsville, Illinois, you can be arrested for riding an ugly horse. > >A Fort Collins, Colorado Municipal Code: "It is unlawful for any male >rider, within the limits of this community, to wink at any female rider >with whom he is acquainted." > >Ice cream lovers beware in Cotton Valley, Louisiana. Citizens aren't >allowed to eat an ice cream cone while on horseback in public places. > >In McAlester, Oklahoma, it's taboo for a woman over 235 pounds and attired >in shorts to be seen on a horse in any public place. > >It's illegal in Marion, South Carolina, to tickle a female under her chin >with a feather duster to get her attention while she's riding a horse! > >It is strictly against the law in Bicknell, Indiana, for a man to leave his >new bride alone and go riding with his pals on his wedding day. The penalty >is a week in jail. > >In Bismark, North Dakota, every home within the limits of Bismark must have >a hitching post in the front yard. > >Budds Creek, Maryland, has an antique law which prohibits horses from >sleeping in a bathtub, unless the rider is also sleeping with the horse. > >A unique law in Pine Ridge, South Dakota where horses are banned from >neighing between midnight and 6 a.m. near a "residence inhabited by human >beings." > >Paradise, California, retains a most unusual law that says it is illegal to >let a horse sleep in a bakery within the limits of the community > >No man is allowed to ride his horse "in a violent manner" if he happens to >be in Boone, North Carolina. > >An attorney can be barred from practicing law in Corvallis, Oregon, should >he refuse to accept a horse in lieu of his legal fees. > >McAllen, Texas, has outlawed citizens from taking pictures of horses on the >Sabbath. Any person who "disturbs" or "otherwise antagonizes a horse" in >this manner will be subject to a fine of at least $1.50 and can be jailed >for as much as "three full days and nights." > >In case you have an accident in Hortonville, New York, here's their antique >law: "The rider of any horse involved in an accident resulting in death >shall immediately dismount and give his name and address to the person >killed.
Have a great day!!!
Laura Applegate "Drop kick me Jesus, through the goal posts of life."