Why don't we all maul this to death and maybe Cheryl will stop putting on a perfectly good ride. And if we make a big enough deal out of it, maybe some other RM will just give up too. Then we won't have any rides....She does give completion awards to everyone who finishes. She just gives them out before they actually complete the ride and then does not take them back if you don't complete the ride. It is a matter of interpretation. Last year we gave awards to everyone who finished and about 25 of them were overtime. They did not get their AERC completion but they got the award. Actually, we gave the same award to one rider who got heat stroke and actually came in with the RM in a truck the last couple of miles. You guys get so carried away that most RM's hate to do anything nice because it will be misconstrued. I am for anything that makes it easier for management and for the poor sucker who didn't make it. I always give ALL the money back to people who don't pass the vet check. They spent a fortune to get there, burned vacation time and bought food they don't usually buy. Besides, most of the time they will do P/R's or some other work at the ride...Can we just worry about Real infractions of the rules. How many can honestly say that they have ever been to a ride that followed ALL of the rules. I don't think I have..................mb