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Re: [RC] [RC] Gold Country Awards - Nancy Mitts

I think you must have missed the beginning of this thread. The issue isn't about whatever extra awards the ride manager gives. The issue is, "Can a ride manager give an award, at entry, to everybody who shows up, INSTEAD of a completion award."
I've been to rides who gave a memento of the ride when you entered, but it was always in addition to a completion award. It's a nice touch, if it fit's in the budget or you can get something donated! It was my understanding from the original posts that in this case the "showing up" award was it, except for placements. With nothing else to distinguish those who actually completed the ride from the ones who just managed to get there.
And, I'm with those who think this should not be the case.

Nancy Mitts

From: Truman Prevatt <tprevatt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: bobmorris@xxxxxxxx
CC: 'Barbara McCrary' <bigcreekranch@xxxxxxxxxx>, glassman1@xxxxxxxxxxxx, rides2far@xxxxxxxx, ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [RC] Gold Country Awards
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2004 10:30:53 -0400

Bob, the problem seems to be is I in no way see a ride manager handing out his extra shirts as a rules infraction. Trail cutting is, a short trail is, inadaquate vetting is, etc.

If it bothers you file a protest and let the P&G committee settle it.


bobmorris@xxxxxxxx wrote:

Truman again takes one point from a posting and bases a rejection of the whole.
Truman, is it ok with you to state your position on rules infractions is "this issue is way down on the list "? I am very sorry if you feel this way as we do need integrity from the bottom up. Whether it is trail cutting, using an underage horse or not giving completion awards, it is all rule infractions. Do we nee to classify the degree of infraction now? I thought the fact had been determined, we were just negotiating the price!


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