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[RC] Tevis and headlamps Courtesy reminder - Nick Warhol

A lot of people (myself included) don’t use any lights while riding at night, no matter how dark.  It can be very distracting to the rider, and even more so to the horse, who can see just fine at night.   If you do want to use a headlamp or light while on the trail, remember it is important to ask the riders you are with if they mind you using it.  If you are going faster than others, and have a light on as you approach other riders, you might want to consider turning it off until you pass.   If you are being passed, and have a light going, you might turn it off until the faster riders go on ahead. 


But bring that head lamp with you!  You don’t know the meaning of the word frustrating until you try and put an easy boot on in the pitch black of night.  Unless you have three hands, the headlamp slips right on your helmet and leaves you both your hands to make your tack repair.  I have a new one that used tiny little LED lamps that puts out a nice beam of light, but is very small and light.   Keep it on your body, not in the saddlebag, because if you get separated from your horse at night, (it happens!) it is nice to be able to see where the trail goes.

