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[RC] disappointed in first ride - Ridecamp Guest

Please Reply to: carrie m hadley cmhadley@xxxxxxxxxx or ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

I was so excited!  I have tried for the past four years to be able to 
participate in an organized endurance ride.  From finding the right horse, the 
great saddle hunt, financing my trailer, and finding a camper within a very 
limited budget.  Have fought with husband over riding time and have gone back 
to work part-time in order to pay for the horse expenses.
Finally got to go this weekend.  Had to go all by myself as no one wanted to do 
this with me.  I walked around camp and introduced myself, sat at the ride 
pavilion and introduced myself, let everyone know that this was my first time 
alone, my horse's first ld, etc..  Everyone was friendly enough but not very 
welcoming as in "please join us".  I spent the evening alone with my horse.  
Ride meeting was short, not very informative.  No map, told to watch for boggy 
areas, 4 buckets of water were placed at a certain point, 12 1/2 miles out and 
then 12 1/2 miles in.
So, at 5:30 started the ride.  My horse is not very fast and we were determined 
to ride to his ability.  Had a great time until we got to the half way (hold) 
point and realized we were in a gravel pit with no water or grass/hay 
available.  Everyone else had a pit crew who had brought their riders supplies. 
No one had told me that this needed to be done, that NOTHING was available at 
the hold.  One gentleman took pity on me and offered my horse a bucket of 
water.  We left after our 40 mins and rode back to the water buckets 6 miles up 
the trail where we took our own 20 min break with water and grass.  Back to 
ride camp, almost exactly 6 hours later.  No one there seemed to know what to 
tell a newbie to do next.  Timer took my time, and when I asked if I had to 
present to the vet then or had a minute to go get the horse a drink, no one 
could decide.  So, I just took the horse to my trailer for a drink and a bite 
to eat.
Came back to the vet 15 minutes later and got checked in.  Almost passed out on 
the down and back.  I had let myself get very dehydrated and had used my water 
on the horse.  Got myself back to camper and this same gentleman from mid-point 
took pity on my again and made sure I was ok.
I was so frustrated and tired and dehydrated I just sat down and cried.  Packed 
up and came home.
I have done just a couple of rides in the past (about 6 years ago) and they 
were fun and had a great time.
This ride had no info for a newbie, no trail map, no water, etc at any stop, no 
coffee, water, food offered in the evening , etc.
What did I get for my $45 entry?  A minimal vet check and a trail ride.
My horse did great and I am very proud of him, however, we can go ride anytime 
and have a great time without feeling left out and discouraged.
Sorry to vent, but the rides out west are MUCH better than the rides in 
Wisconsin.  Not sure I would ever go back.
Thanks, Carrie

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