I just want to say thank you to all the ridecampers
that keep me entertained with your everyday posts while I sit here booooored to
death, recuperating from Cosmo bucking me off. Today, I had the final set of
stitches removed and replaced with steri-strips. My arm feels sooo much better.
Some of those sutures were really deep and hurt, restricting my movement. When
the doc asked how long each day I was taking off the splint to exercise my hand,
etc... I was going to fib and try to sound like I was sticking to his plan, but
my big-mouthed husband blurted out, "What
are you talking about, she never wears the splint! She won't listen to anything
we say!" Which kind of blew it for me...but I am really going to try harder
to listen to the doc and am in fact wearing that *#@* uncomfortable splint right
now. I may not be able to ride Tevis anymore, but I will crew for my friend,
Karlon, which gives me something to look forward to.