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[RC] re: training problem - Nina Vasiliev


Bring a long lead rope or a lunge line. Plan on this being your goal for the ride. When you come to the obstacle, dismount and send him over the bridge or into the creek. DO NOT cross and ask him to come to you. He WILL try to jump into your safe space and knock you down. So, send him over ahead of you. Practice this part at home first. Stand next to him, then encourange him to move forward. Swing the end of the line at his rump to move him forward while also stretching the line near his head towards where you want him to go so he can feel a little "direction" in the line. Chose a spot at home to practice this. You also might use this method to get him into the trailer, rather than having him follow you in.

You might have to bring a lunge whip on the trail, but I just used the end of the line to encourage him across. Once across, walk to him, praise him, then send him across again. Give him treats if you carry them. As soon as he walks across once, quickly stop the lesson. Give lots of praise. Be sure that he instantly knows that walking across was what you wanted. Then mount and go home.

Do not be discouraged. He may take may tries before he calms down. Assume it will take 50 tries. That way, if it only takes 43 times, you'll know he was a fast learner. The next time it may take 38 times. Then 20...

Once he is safely crossing, pretty regularly, then stay mounted. But no reason to ride him across before you know that you'll be safe.

Good Luck,

NIna Vasiliev

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