A & D ointment or desitin (zinc oxide). (Notice how I put that
first??? There's a reason!). :)
Fresh clothes and deodorant at the vet checks. Even clean socks will
make you feel refreshed. I carry wet wipes or whatever for washing my face
and neck... if kept in a cooler, they are very refreshing.
Watermelon!!! Strawberries!!!
LOTS of water. COLD!
A pit crew with a big smile and a big voice to call your horse to the next
pit stop...those little checks with a slosh bottle or two for the horse's neck
(and if hot, for yourself) and a smiling face with an encouraging are
GOLD!!! That's my hubby...so maybe I should change that to HUBBY.
RIDE YOUR OWN RIDE AT YOUR OWN PACE. Listen to your instincts.
Read your horse. Read yourself. Take action accordingly.