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[RC] Fitchett's--Station Heads--Water Tanks--Why Do We Volunteer--Why? - Ridecamp Guest

Please Reply to: John Stacy renegade@xxxxxxxxx or ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

I am taking map reading lessons and will never assume (ass u me) which way the 
trail goes.  Sorry for the bum directions Stag, Sue, and the rest of the 100 

Some things to think about:
1.  Vets and ride management can not read minds or tell the future?riders (and 
crew) need to inform us of your needs or any problems you may be having.

2.  We have rides only at the good graces of land owners (private and public 
lands) and the big hearts of volunteers.  Try having a ride without either.

What started this:
As I pack up my belongings to go to Maine to help with the Maine 100 and trip 
over the pump and tank I that I had taken from my  farm to be helpful 
Fitchett?s Vet Check for the Old Dominion,  I was asking why did I bother to be 
station head at Fitchett?s?  Why did I take the pump and tank (this was my 
initiative to make it easier on the riders and crew?traditionally you have to 
pull the water from the stream with a bucket or take your horse into stream), 
and why am I using the limited time off from work to open myself up for more of 
the same?
I had seldom associated the emotion, anger, with this sport, but that?s how I 
felt.  Over ridecamp, a rider (that had a pit crew) that knows Helen and I 
blasts us for asking her not to let her horse drink a communal water tank, an 
Old Dominion policy.  Yes, Helen did yell the request from the P&R area.  She 
has an injured knee and stood all through the previous day recording for a vet 
and had been on her feet sense 0615 that morning doing double duty as 
co-station head and P&Rs.  As Helen?s husband I have to admit her yelling voice 
can sound on the harsher side at times (not that she ever yell at me?well maybe 
when I suffer from selective hearing?that another issue though) but that was 
not her intent.
We feel bad that Cindy?s horse was not drinking, but ride management was never 
informed of the problem until the issue was aired on ridecamp.  If either Cindy 
or her crew had informed management of her problem we would have turned the 
world over to help her, starting with finding a muck tub if one was available 
or refilling the tub, removing the hose and crossbar for her horse to drink out 
the tub.  The horses do come first.

I feel bad that Cindy felt hurt by how management?s request was conveyed.  I 
hope I have not lost a friend.  Helen and I have enjoyed watch her and her 
quarter horse grow as a team.  They have come a long way and we hope the do 
great things together.

So back to the dilemma?why volunteer?
1.      If people do not put on rides or volunteer, there would be no rides and 
I like the ride.
2.      My father taught me to take responsibility?do not expect others to do 
it?jump in and get it done (my parents started me with the original Maryland 
100 3-day--we help build the ride barns?I was the kid filling the water buckets 
in the stalls while the riders rode the ride. That water thing again?it keeps 
getting me in trouble).
3.      I love the horses and the riders.  It is amazing what these magnificent 
animal do for us.  The people are not bad either, were else can you hang out 
with incredible people like Maggie Price & Irv McNaughton to name just a few
Answer?trucks already packed.

To the ridecamp member who ?I would have been big time "in your face"?, I hope 
you would have tried to talk with ride management and the volunteers before 
resorting to ?big time in your face.?  If not, please do not complain next time 
you go to a ride and you have to wait in a long line at the vet check to be 
timed in, P&Red, or VETed because ride management could get any volunteers.

See y?all at Maine

===========================================================When you ask a 
Quarter horse for something he says - Sure -  and when you
ask an Arab for something he says  - Why? -
~  Heidi Smith

ridecamp.net information: http://www.endurance.net/ridecamp/
