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Re: [RC] Petition sugg-NOW Letter to AHA draft - Bette LamoreGreat suggestion, Jen! When we get some feedback that this proposed letter is what most here want to say (and edit and probably re-edit), I'll put it on-line for signatures. I reserve the right, though, to send it in friendly letter format if I am to be author--- I've found you can get more cooperation with a friendly suggestion than with a demand and Jim has always been very helpful to me. Perhaps if AHA does not respond it would be time to bring out the big guns and draft a more formal petition.Lif is away I guess but here is my draft for those who want to add, modify, sign (just your AHA owner number with your name). To keep this list clean, you might want to email me privately unless you have a big change and want to get public input. Thanks for your time and consideration. I just copied the body of the letter to avoid attaching my WORD file. Hello Jim Long time no contact. Hope things are going well for you. I have been participating in an endurance e-mail list of approximately 3000 people worldwide, the majority of which own Arabians or part-Arabians due to the very nature of long distance riding. The general consensus seems to be that AHA is failing to address this very growing field. Although the numbers of trail riders and distance riders are growing, many “newbies” accept the stereotype of the half-crazed and snorty Arabians that the Halter classes depict and some of the Liberty classes. There does not seem to be enough promo material out there about the family horse, the horse that is versatile and can participate in many disciplines. Someone pointed out that when you go on the AQHA web site, you see pictures of people riding; however, the AHA web site appears to be more concerned with procedures and marketing incentives for shows, etc. Many valid points were brought out. Perhaps there is some way to revise the home page to put forth a more family-friendly image together. I would be happy to put together some suggestions if you would like. I design horse web sites and have oodles of fun pics that can be displayed—including those taken at Endurance rides. Another related suggestion was that AHA set up booths at Regional Trail conventions as well as National ones in an attempt to educate riders of the wonderful disposition of the Arab. Seems most trail riders know Arabians do well in distance riding but think their temperaments are difficult --- again the bi-product of people’s exposure to some classes in the shows such as Park, Halter and English Pleasure. Perhaps not enough emphasis has been placed in changing people’s minds about the “crazy” Arabians with their crooked ruthless trainers (e.g. fanny implants, eye jobs, using cattle prods before a halter show). These are all images that persist despite successful efforts to end these abominations. I know you have worked hard to promote the Arabian and that is why I am addressing these concerns to you. Of course the never-ending problem of abuses in the show ring lingers, although it has shifted significantly from cruelty (many gains in this area—hooray!) to politics. The practice of having judges who are also competitors and have real conflict of interest issues has been a long-standing debate and has discouraged most of the people I know from entering the major shows. Many feel these part-time competitors/part-time judges do more harm to the industry than good promotion. The following are names with their AHA numbers of people on this one chat room alone. There are many more who complain privately because they feel it is a lost cause. We are choosing to make another effort. Please fell free to write back a reply which I will send back to this group. Thank you so much for your consideration and support of our breed of choice. Sincerely Bette Lamore, owner numbers 0312222, 02102309 Ridecamp Guest wrote: Please Reply to: Jen jenglasser@xxxxxxxxxx or ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx ==========================================
Always remember: "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." (George Carlin) ============================================================ I can tell you after sleeping in a tent, then in my truck, then in the back of a trailer, then in a gneck trailer w/no LQ, and now in the new-to-me LQ one, you don't sleep any better the night before in nicer digs - you're just more comfortable while you're lying there obsessing :) ~ Tina Hicks ridecamp.net information: http://www.endurance.net/ridecamp/ ============================================================