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[RC] breed destruction - AgilbxrI have to agree, it's not just arabs. I don't have an arab myself, although I love the breed. My knees can't handle that trot anymore. So I went as close as possible, and got a Paso. (arab temperment..no bounce). And was lucky that I got a good paso that was (sorta) trail sane and enough substance to do the distance work. I live in quarter horse country here. Everyone barrel races, or does western pleasure. I've heard more crap about how crazy and stupid paso's are, that they can't be used for anything but gliding around a ring. And after going to a paso show, I see where that misconception came from. I saw more long backed, fine boned, bad hocked, bad tempered horses than I ever have anywhere. Horses that I wouldn't have paid 10 cents for. The one that won the biggest money class spooked at a flag and took out the judges stand. And got rewarded for having "brio" by winning the class. Poor thing was scared to death. Most people don't realize Al is a Paso until he moves. He's 14.1 hands, weighs in about 850#'s trim and fit, and has a 7 3/4 inch cannon bone. And a big butt and a pretty head for the breed. Having said all that, I take great pleasure in taking my Paso to the open shows around here. Some of them have gaited classes, and they all have some open classes where we go in and compete with the western pleasure horses. Alpine had 2 years of dressage training to teach him balance, and it pays off in those "obedience" classes. It's fun to beat the peanut rollers at their game with a a gaited horse. (even more fun when the judge is out to get you, and calls for a posting trot, and your gaited horse promptly drops his head and trots...hehehehe). And it educates joe public that not all paso's are nuts. I've had more people come up to at a show and ask what he is, surprised that he's sensible, well behaved, and friendly, and several have gotten paso's afterwards. (I always give them my number and tell them to come ride with me...and send them to the paso breeders I know that have sensible, well bred horses). So, for those that want to market the sensible, well bred riding arab, take em out to more than just endurance/trail rides. Take them team penning, to open shows, to clinics, where the normal public is. Heck, teach em to barrel race and show them how fast an arab really can turn! *grin* Juli and Alpine (I like team penning, chasing cows is FUN!) !ƧµéeÊ??~׫²W?¦)à?vz{m?éâ?l®ç$¶§?{ay¶???Ú¶¶¢?êí?éâ?¨'yÉ-¨¥z¼???Ðjwg£§¶§{h?âТw²¢çh?Û%yêZ?&޶׫¶§?mmçèè§?'Ø?³*.èî²Ù¨ç(?ú+µ¦å{b?쨺·¥Ê)ණz?ìzË"?â?¡ârK+?×?jjgzا~?æjب?m§ÿðçvêÚ?ǧzßë?×?jj