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Re: [RC] Letters ...NOW-- Let's get the ball rolling! - heidi

I don't breed any more.  I can't afford it.  I got no support from AHA
or  IAHA for breeding good horses that could (and have) completed the
toughest  endurance rides in the USA, if not the world.  All I ever got
was invoices  from AHA, and then invitations to participate in promotion
programs that  cost more money than I could sell a foal for, that
wouldn't help to promote  good, using horses anyway.

People come to my place and walk in my herd and somehow think these
horses  are "magic" or that I am a horse whisperer because my guys are
so calm and  people oriented.  Even the unbroke horses are in your
pocket, and you can  lean on them, mess with them, lead them around with
a string.  Heck, you  can lead both my stallions around with strings!
And sadly, Lif, you are the kind of breeder that we need.

One of the FIRST ways that I cut costs in my own program was to quit
paying dues to IAHA.  You are right that their programs are of no worth to
the breeder who is just trying to put decent foals on the ground.  And I
was relieved to find that even with the merger with the Registry, one can
still pay a smaller fee just to belong to the Registry portion of it
without having to shell out to support the Pied Piper end of it that is
piping the whole breed into sea.


There must be a full understanding between the horse and rider for entry
into the top competition brackets. There must be a confidence established
that the desired position is attainable. There must be a caring for the
horse, on the part of the owner, so as to not exceed the physical limits in
the heat of competition. There must be a well planned training program that
will result in the necessary equine attributes. 
~  Bob Morris

ridecamp.net information: http://www.endurance.net/ridecamp/


Re: [RC] Letters to the World -- showing, Chris Paus
Re: [RC] Letters to the World -- showing, Kristen A Fisher
Re: [RC] Letters to the World -- showing, heidi
Re: [RC] Letters ...NOW-- Let's get the ball rolling!, Bette Lamore
Re: [RC] Letters ...NOW-- Let's get the ball rolling!, heidi
Re: [RC] Letters ...NOW-- Let's get the ball rolling!, Lif Strand