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Re: [RC] What do I need? - fullpwrSo...um...the tights/jodhpurs are optional? -- Laura "not liking the Lady Godiva thing" Goodin Quoting Truman Prevatt <tprevatt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>: You need only three things - horse that's in shape, a saddle that fits your horse and a helmet that fits your head. All the rest is fluff. Truman Ridecamp Guest wrote:Please Reply to: Susan sewalker@xxxxxxxxxx or ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx ========================================== I am in the process of buying my first endurance horse, and I was wonderingwhat stuff I would need to be able to condition and maybe compete my horse (won't be competing for a long while, as she isn't conditioned right now). I know I would need a bridle, saddle,girth, saddle pad, breastplate, splint boots, and I know there must be some other things I am missing. What else do I absolutely have to have, and what else would just be highly recommended but I wouldn't die if I didn't have it?Thanks, Susan-- "It is necessary to be noble, and yet take humility as a basis. It is necessary to be exalted, and yet take modesty as a foundation." ============================================================ REAL endurance is your water freezing IN the cantle bags! ~ Heidi Sowards ridecamp.net information: http://www.endurance.net/ridecamp/ ============================================================