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[RC] Bare-Backing It - erika p moore

>A few stalwart souls have competed bareback, but most would say that the
saddle (with girth and pad) is a necessity
Hahaha!  My friend and I use to go trail riding for HOURS bareback!  It is SO much fun.  We would go and get lost on trails we had never been on and then find ourselves again, surprised at where we ended up - practically in the middle of town sometimes!  With cars wizzing by and us, looking very primitive on our ponies, bareback, sweating, and w/ piecemeal bridles - no food or drink!  hehehe, those were the day!  Now we buy tall skinny horses that would split us in half if we rode them bareback (although my friend's most recent purchase was part Cleveland Bay, and she can ride him bareback.....a fact of which I am QUITE jealous about).
This email has not to do with much of anything...it was just your phrasing that hit my nastalgic funny bone, Heidi.
All have a great day!
PS - Actually, anyone with skinny horses.....do you find that a bareback Pad works well at making a sharp-spined horse more comfortable?  I miss those days of "barebacking it".