Well Jean, if every horse has at least one buck, I
guess my herd is all done.
Rowdy bucked trainer Wendy on a 7 mile "training"
ride. He was only 3 but bucked (or dropped kicked as my husband described it)
her hard enough that she had a severe concussion with a helmet. Trainer Wendy
was also recently "bucked" off a bike. Maybe she was wasn't bucked off of Rowdy
after all :)
I was riding my Dinero when he was about 3. I had
only ridden him a few times but felt pretty good about his training. I was
riding with a loose rein, talking to trainer Wendy when all of a sudden, for no
reason and without warning, he put his head down and flung me out of the saddle
and across the field. Knocked the wind out of me and I was laying in yuck mud. I
think, (but who knows) that the mud got really deep and he felt off balance.
Trying to keep my butt centered and him from falling was too much for him. He
decided he could do better by himself so I had to go. Funny boy.
His mother O.D. (15 years old) and I were riding in
Big South Fork last year when we hit the damn bees. We were already cantering
and I got stung first and then they got her. She bucked, but not hard enough to
dismount me. Poor thing, I didn't realize she had been stung so many times until
we got home and the stings started oozing! Damn bees.
Loony Lance has bucked, but it wasn't as bad as his
bolts. He kicks when he is spooked. I don't know which is worse, getting bucked
or kicked. John says being kicked. Wendy says being bucked. Oh, those two are
always competing against each other.
Carol, I am really so sorry that you were hurt and
I know it won't be easy to get back on. I can't tell you why your horse did it
nor can any one predict that it will or will not ever happen again. They are
horses after all. I hope you recover mentally and physically and are able to
resume riding ASAP. I think it is every riders worst fear, to be thrown, to fall
off, to have a horse trip and fall on you or to be kicked by another horse and
be hurt so bad you can't ride.