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Re: [RC] heel bruises from easyboots - Barbara McCrary

I've noticed the bruises, too.  We've never used Easyboots several days in a
row, so I don't know the long-term ramifications, but I did have a mare that
used an Easyboot for 39 miles of a 50 when she pulled a shoe on the trail,
and she was heel-sore at the finish.  The vet gave her a completion anyway,
as she recognized it was just a temporary and non-threatening situation.  On
shorter rides, the boots may produce a reddish spot without causing


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Glenda R. Snodgrass" <grs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Ridecamp" <ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, June 11, 2004 5:54 AM
Subject: [RC] heel bruises from easyboots

I have been using easyboots on my barefoot horse whenever we do a long
trail ride, starting to condition both of us to get back into endurance.

Yesterday when I caught Tony, his feet were all soft and mushy and sorta
transparent from much rain.  When picking them out, I noticed that the
heel bulb on each side of both front feet had a dark red place (all his
feet are white). The spot wasn't sore at all, I pushed on it pretty hard,
but it sure looks like those are bruises from the heelstrap on his eboots.

I haven't put the eboots on him since Sunday before last, so about 10
days. I remember noticing that I could see indentations in the heel bulb
from the strap when I pulled them off last time, but I pushed on that spot
at the time and didn't notice any soreness, so didn't worry about it until
I saw the redness yesterday.

Is this common? anything to worry about?

Glenda R. Snodgrass
AERC #M18819
SE Region
If people would just think of the hoof as the foundation for the horse
a house foundation.  when your horse plants his foot down in the ground
pushes forward if the foot isn't 100% balanced your chances of injury go
~  Paula Blair

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In my experience (22 year worth) most endurance riders are great people who
will go out their way to help and be friendly.
~  Laura Hayes

ridecamp.net information: http://www.endurance.net/ridecamp/


[RC] Tempertusre 103 feel!!!, Laurie Durgin
[RC] heel bruises from easyboots, Glenda R. Snodgrass