If it is a priority - and only the BOD can answer that - then the first
step is to define the requirements.
1. Is this a simple tool for ride managers to use?
2. Is it an integral part of the AERC database architecture?
Once that question is answered then the questions to answer are:
How integrated is it to be with the database:
Is there a secondary data base with current members that an RM can
asscess to minimize the hand entry (and entry errors)?
Does it feed back electronically into the data base (in which case
additional functionally would be required on the part of the data base)?
What would be the impact one the office staff?
How would updates be accomplished?
How would training be accomplished?
At that point a set of requirments can be written and after they are
finalized the trades can be made to determine the best direction to go
- along with estimated cost and schedules.
But as of right now we don't know if it is a priority for the AERC BOD
or not nor do we know the answers to questions 1 and 2 above.
Your answer does not offer a solution to the
problem so it must be part of the program. The latest update is about
late 2000 so it is not all that old. The necessary content is there and
the basic requirements have not changed. What ids needed is an update
to the database of horses and riders.
If you feel that it could be improved upon,
take a good look at it and suggest improvements Then we can estimate a
cost for upgrading. You stated in the past that the AERC is all of us,
you, me, and all the other members. So, my answer to your " I would think this
would be of a high priority for the AERC. Most errors arise at the
point of data entry." would be to encourage all
interested parties by setting an example by pursuing the upgrading of
what we have.
-- "The person of superior integrity does not insist upon his
"The person of superior integrity does not insist
his integrity.
For this reason, he
has integrity. The person of inferior integrity
never loses sight
of his integrity.For this reason, he
lacks integrity."