Re: [RC] attack of the killer horse flies - Suzi Maiorisi South Texas we have these brown striped humongo spiders that run
faster than I can. Even got a GREAT picture of one on the porch - ok, YES,
I have many bug pictures...can't help myself when I find a new one - that it
took seeing the picture on my computer screen to figure out what it was.
She was carrying all 900,000 of her tiny babies on her back so she looked
HUGE! They get to be about 3-4" including legs. In Hawaii we had
Cane field spiders...OMG - woke up to nurse one of my children at 3 am and found
one of them on the patio doors - that bugger was bigger than my baby! He
had something like an 8-10" leg span...disgusting, and when you try to kill them
the come AT you, they don't run away!! LOL!