This sort of thing is why it is ALWAYS a good idea to wear a
= helmet!!! "
As some of you
know I am not a big fan of helmets , I have been riding since I could walk ,
horse shows , rodeo and than endurance . I have been doing endurance since 1982
and have never ever once made it through a ride wearing my helmet the entire
time , mostly because of the heat . Well last year at an Idaho ride a gal
was seriously injured when she went off her horse , had severe head injuries and
went into a coma where they had to life flight her out to a hospital , at
the same ride my horse spooked at the photographer and went to her knees almost
somersaulting with me . So that got me to thinking more seriously about wearing
my helmet .At convention last winter a friend and I each bought the new style
LAS helmets from Steve Elliot at Equine Performance Products . I had told a
couple of my riding buddies about it and that I was going to give it a try this
riding season , so when we saddled up for a training ride the first time this
spring together Heidi and Louie both looked at me and said " we are not leaving
until you put your helmet on :-) I went back to my trailer put the helmet on and
rode the entire time with it which in itself is a miracle ! Since then I did a
50 miler in WY and again wore the helmet the entire time , this helmet is cooler
than my baseball cap even when I soak the cap . It really did sell me on wearing
my helmet , now I know the safety reasons but that just does not help when you
can't stand the heat build up on your head . So if anyone is looking for a
cooler helmet please check this one out , it does do what it says